Thursday, March 31, 2011

Things They Say Thursday--March 31

     I really wish that I had this one on video.  Okay so you know about my kids' obsession with movies and these days the things they say seem to come straight from them.  So here is one from Despicable Me (which I can say I have not watched the whole way through even though we have played it like five times, bad mom, bad mom).  Other than the bit about the teeny tiny toilet, which we have just about moved on from, Noah's new thing to say is "let me think."  It is so funny to ask him a question and then watch him as he looks up and taps his index finger on his chin and says "let me think."  Much, much better and cuter to actually see him do it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weekend Fun

     Awhile ago we had two birthday parties and a baby shower all in one weekend.  It was a fun, busy, and tiring weekend.  One of the birthday parties happened at a local bounce house called Jumping Jax.  The kids had so much fun running around, climbing, and going down the slides.  Amazingly we were able to get a few pictures between trying to keep up with them.  Plus they were in constant motion and our camera does not do so well with that.  No pictures of the baby shower or the princess birthday party.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things They Say Thursday--March 24

     I like to call this "You've Got a Friend in Me, well sometimes."  It is just a classic example of how well my kids can play together and then all of a sudden...I'll just let the video speak for itself.

     Really all I wanted to capture is the song that they sing ALL. THE. TIME.  This time I just happened to capture them spinning with a little bit of sibling rivalry to spice it up.  Happy Thursday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Things They Say--March 17

     Somehow I have managed to get the kids to where they will wake up dad in the morning.  Not sure how it worked out this way {it sure did not start out that way}, but I kind of like it.  It gives Mike a little bit of time in the mornings with just him and the kids, and sometimes he has the kids help him make me breakfast in bed!  Yay, for being pampered!  Noah's latest thing when he comes to wake Mike is that he will say "time to wake up, daddy."  But the other morning as Mike was waking up and started acknowledging Noah, Noah was quick to shush him.  He said, "dad, we have to be quiet mommy is still sleeping."  The boy sure has picked up on that mommy values her sleep.  These are some of the moments when I want to just stop him from getting any older.  Sure do love him.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rah, Rah, Shish, Boom, Ba!

    Yeah, it goes something like that.  Right?  We signed Mikayla up to do cheerleading through a church league since she had been begging us to do it for a while.  Well, actually her season just ended. She was a little turned off at first when she realized she would be cheering for basketball.  She has nothing against basketball, really.  It's just that we don't watch basketball and everytime cheerleading was mentioned it was for flag football, so that's what she thought she would be cheering for.  After signing her up and getting her uniform (which the pom poms were a pain since we had to make them poofy), she finally got excited to go out and cheer.  Her first game they were all a little nervous and very quiet, but by the second game they were all into it and much louder.  She had a good time and as a bonus is learned some valuable lessons with each of her weekly verses.  It was difficult for me to get a good shot of her while she was cheering, but here are a few that I took as well as a few that another girl's mom was nice enough to share with all of us.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Things They Say Thursday--March 10

     Okay so this one had me struggling to keep a straight face.  We all know how kids like to repeat the things we say, but sometimes not using them in the appropriate manner (or best time/place), right?  Well, Noah was a little annoyed that his sister got to go over to her friend's house and kept saying that it was "making him nuts."  I'll admit I tend to say this {usually in a jokingly manner}, but he was pretty serious when he said it.  I asked why and he just said because Mikayla went to her friend's house.  So we had a little discussion about how his sister was a little bit older and at that when the time was right he too would be able to go over to their house.  Turns out that just the next week he was invited to come over, and he was sooo excited.  Can Noah really be at the age where he can go places without mom and dad?  Eeks, time sure is flying.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Date Night

     Last night Mike and I got the opportunity to go on a date night.  Our church offered a Parent's Night Out and we decided to take advantage of it.  So we dropped the kids off at the church for some fun activities and Mike and I headed out for dinner at Hereford House.  I had not been there before and enjoyed a special evening for just the two of us.  We just had a nice {uninterrupted, adult} conversation over some yummy food.  After dinner we went back and picked up two excited, yet tired kids.  Noah enjoyed playing and doing art activities {and thanks to some, ahem bribery, without tears}.  Mikayla played some fun games and topped the night off with some popcorn and Monsters Inc.  I really like being able to do the Parent's Night Outs {really Kid's Night Out} because the kids have so much more fun than just staying at home with a sitter.  Looking forward to more evenings like these once Noah turns three.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Things They Say Thursday--March 3

    Last week we had a pretty big storm come through.  And to keep things short, let's just say that every time it rains Mike is frequently checking our sump pumps.  Part of this checking requires him to go outside.  Well the kids were very concerned about this.  So as he was walking out the door Noah calls to Mike to "be careful out there.  There is lots of thunder."  Such a sweet little boy.