Ahhhh....I can breathe, finally. We had a pretty good Christmas, but I am glad it is over. It was just so hustle and bustle, that I'm not sure I really enjoyed it all that much until the gifts were opened and there was laughter surrounding a Bingo table. A few nights before Christmas we went to church with my parents and saw Mikayla perform with the children's choir during one of the Christmas Eve services. She did a great job and we were all so proud of her. Christmas Eve I was not feeling well, so we only made it to Christmas with my parents and had to skip my great aunt's. One of these years we will make it out there. I ended up going to bed pretty early and waking when my mom dropped Mikayla off. I managed to read Twas the Night Before Christmas and say goodnight to the kids then back to bed I went. I woke up {very early} feeling much better on Christmas morning and enjoyed watching the kids open their presents. There is just something about the expression on their faces when they open something they really want {even if Santa gets the credit}. The rest of the morning I got to be lazy while the kids were playing with their new toys. In the afternoon we headed out to my uncle's to have our extended family Christmas. It never ceases to amaze me how we can fit 30 people into such a tiny house and yet not feel like we are completely stepping on each other's toes. A lot of laughing was definitely in order. The kids enjoyed the opportunity to play with their cousins and this year even got to get in on the Bingo action. Noah won $10 (with the help of Mike), and Mikayla didn't win anything but my cousin was sweet enough to share his winnings with her.
Noah waiting for church service to start. |
Mikayla gave Noah Mr. Pricklepants and Squeaky from Toy Story 3. |
Santa got the kids new bikes. |
Noah with his new book and bike. |
It's not the best video, but at least we have something.
This one got cut off due to our camera powering off.