Sunday, March 21, 2010

Snowball Fight and Other Pictures From the Week

     Yesterday may have been the first day of Spring but Winter was not quite ready to make it's exit.  We ended up with about 8" of snow between Friday and Saturday night.  With the other snow storms the next few days were freezing so it made it hard to get the kids out to actually play in the snow.  Today, however, was warm enough for us to get out there.  Mikayla stayed the night at my sister's so it was just Mike, Noah, and I this morning.  It was still a little bit colder and we hoped that we would be able to get Mikayla involved when she got home, so we kept the morning outside time brief.  Noah still enjoyed the outside and then came in to enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate.  We picked up Mikayla from my sister's and ran a few errands.  Then came home to have dinner.  After dinner we put the kids in their snow pants (the best investment for this winter) and headed outside once again.  Once outside we had a blast having a snowball fight.  For the most part it was Mike and I getting each other, but the kids did get into it.   Here are some pictures from our outside fun, plus a few others from the week.

Disney on Ice

Afternoon in the Snow

A Final Goofy Photo

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