Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sweet Six

     Oh Mikayla, how sweet you are.  I had been waiting for years to be able to put my little girl in the Miss Sweet Six contest that goes along with the Old Settler's carnival.  After her application being lost in the mail and a phone call, we were in.  We got her all gussied up and took her to the fair grounds for the competition.  All that entailed was answering some questions while looking adorable.  I could tell as time passed and Mikayla was watching all the other girls have their turns she was getting nervous.  She kept saying that she was fine and she was just looking.  Something changed though when she got up on the stage.  I think she first became anxious because she was fidgeting in her chair, but then she became confident when it was her turn to answer the questions.  Some of the girls got really good, easy questions, but Mikayla was stuck with a question about her missing teeth.  I don't think it would have thrown her quite so much but they were asking her about the tooth fairy coming and at first she said the tooth fairy had not came yet {which is true because as luck would have it she lost a tooth in school that day}, but then she changed it to that the tooth fairy left her M&Ms and money.  I am still really proud of her, but a little mad at myself because my phone went to sleep just in time for me to start recording.  I thought Mike was recording at the same time, but I looked over at the end an he had just taken a few pictures.  So I missed out on catching this memory for her {and us}.

Before the competition {And, yes it was held in a parking lot}.

She wanted a picture with me while she waited.
Looking a wee bit nervous.

A big {toothless} smile after finishing her interview.

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