Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Proud Parent

     Last week we had Mikayla's first parent-teacher conference.  I was a little bit nervous of what the teacher would have to say.  I know that Mikayla is smart, but I was not quite sure how she measured up to the Kindergarten standards.  The teacher had us fill out this questionnaire prior to going to the conference which was supposed to help guide us through the conference.  So I filled it out not quite sure what all I should be putting on there.  Mind you we did this two weeks prior to her conferences.  It just so happened that in those two weeks Mikayla did a lot of growing.  Not sure how that happened, but it did.  Nonetheless, I went to her conference and had a great talk with her teacher.  There are a few areas that can use some improvement, but overall she is doing great.  The one thing she absolutely loves is to read and she is doing great at it.  After her conference I stopped by the book fair and picked up a few books for the kids.  I forgot her wish list and was hoping I got at least a few of them.  Turns out I got one.  She was still very happy with the selection that I brought home for her.  Her favorite from the stack (other than the Taylor Swift book) is Tangled.  She has read the book once with my help, but last night she read it all by herself only needing help with a few words.  I am so excited for her, but also a little sad as I know the day will come where she will not want me to read with her anymore.  Guess I will have to enjoy it while it lasts.  Oh, her being able to read this book also made me come to the revelation that I need to start buying her the next level of books to keep her challenged and learning new words.  And just so you know, I am not writing this to boast or brag about Mikayla being a great student, but it is more so that I can look back at this and remember some of her big accomplishments.  And as the title says, I am a proud parent.  At the end of the year I hope to find the time to turn the blog into a book so I have a memories to share with the kids.

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