Monday, October 22, 2012

And Then There Were Clowns

     Remember how I mentioned I love fall because there are so many things to do?  We decided to try something a little new this year.  Thanks in part to our pediatrician (who gave us some tickets), we went to The Night of the Living Farm at one of our local petting farms.  It was a night-time event so I was a little afraid of how the kids would do with it just being dark, but that didn't seem to bother them.  With all the people I became the nervous mom and didn't want to let them out of my sight (smart mom I was, I didn't put any identifying things for the night-time).  So I ruined their fun of playing in the dark on the playground sets.  But we did enjoy a mildly spooky tractor pull ride through a forest, roasting marshmallows, a bit of trick-or-treating, and posing with various characters.  After we had gone on the non-spooky hayride, the kids decided they were up for the spooky one.  We made our way over to it, but the line was not worth waiting in.  But we did go to the spooky barn.  This really should have had some warnings on it.  I was expecting maybe some fog machines with some eery sounds and a few skeletons here and there.  Instead there were teenagers dressed up in clown costumes out to really scare people.  Although I couldn't really tell you they were clowns as I had Noah clinging to my neck as I made a beeline for the exit.  After the whole evening, all both the kids could talk about was the scary clowns.  Note to self...check out anything labelled spooky prior to taking kids.  Thankfully no nightmares, although Noah has sworn off the farm.  We came home, had the kids showered, and finished the evening with a movie.
Noah was very excited to see Darth Vader.

She wanted a picture with Marvin the Martian

This was supposed to be the Red Robin mascot,
 but um yea, we'll just call him a Jayhawk.

Not sure what he was doing with his hand/wing here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ciderfest and Pumpkin Patch

     I love fall!  It just seems like there is so much more to get out and do, especially with the kids.  Recently we went to a local cidermill during their fall festival called Ciderfest.  Really the main reason to visit is fresh, warm apple donuts, and fresh hot apple cider.  Ciderfest is probably their busiest time of the year, but the donuts are so worth the wait in line.  We spent a little time looking around at some of the local vendors (and even made a Christmas or Birthday purchase), before heading down the road to a less busy pumpkin patch.  On one of our visits to cider mill a few years ago someone directed us to another local patch.  That year we went a little later in the season and had to venture way out into the patch to get a decent pumpkin, but we still felt it worthwile to venture back.  This time there were plenty of pumpkins to choose from, but I think the kids had more fun riding in the wagon than looking for pumpkins.  Noah was really cute on the way back up to the front to pay.  He had us stop as he got out of the wagon and went up and picked up a pumpkin that was just for him.  It had a little accident as he put it in the wagon, so after Mike paid Noah thought we shouldn't keep it and threw it.  Thankfully it was savageable and Mike and Noah had fun making it into Cowboy Buzz Monster Pumpkin?  Not sure really what it is called, but he was so proud of his work (which now adorns our front stoop).
Kid size maze.

She was trying to build a sand castle.

He decided it would be good idea to bury his figurines in the sand. 
Yea, that was fun sifting through the sand to find them.

Even though they were squished, they both insisted on
sitting in the wagon with the pumpkins.

Hay ride around the patch.

Look at how intensely he is working on this.

His finished product.  The putty hardened overnight and had
 to be removed before being put on display.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Life Goes On...

     O bah dee, O bah dah, Life Goes On...La la la How life goes on...  I just sang that, in my head at least.  Anyway, this fall has definitely proved to be busy.  With both kids and Mike back in school, it seems like we always have something going on.  Our Saturdays are filled with soccer games (which Mikayla is getting pretty good at), and on Sundays we try and fit in anything and everything we couldn't get done during the week.  
     Last weekend I decided to do mini-dates with the kids.  Mikayla had a soccer scrimmage on Friday night and I promised her that after we would attempt to find her a costume.  We stopped and had a quick dinner before we struck out in the costume department at Target (really their selection was bare for anything Mikayla's age).  But just so I wouldn't disappoint her, I agreed that we could stop at Wal-Mart (one of my least favorite places) to see how their selection was.  Thankfully they put the costumes at the front of the store and we were able to find one she liked right away and get out.  She is going to be Hello Kitty (sorry, no photo yet).
     Saturday morning was Noah's turn.  We grabbed some breakfast and were our way.  We had a date with a dog and a Mystery Machine.  Noah was very excited about getting to go and kept asking when he would be able to see Scooby.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't want to wait too long in line since we would still need to make it to Mikayla's soccer game.  We were one of the first people there and to complete their scavenger hunt.  In return for turning in a completed hunt we got two figurines.  Noah would have stayed there all day long right next to Scooby if I would have let him.  But it was cold and I told him we needed to let other kids have a turn too.  He settled for reading books with a stuffed Scooby.

The travelling Mystery Machine.

Shaggy Noah?

He wasn't quite tall enough to be Velma.

And of course there is Daphne.

We stopped by Old Navy on the way home and he insisted on
getting his picture taken as the fireman.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Day of Second Grade

     Today was Mikayla's first day of Second Grade.  I still think both my kids are growing up way too fast.  I love watching them grow up, I just someone would slow down time so they wouldn't do it so fast.  Below are my annual questions for Mikayla.  I enjoy asking these as I like to see how she grows and how likes/interests change over time. 

Height: 46"
Weight: 45 lbs.
Hair Color: dark blond/light brown

Favorite Color: purple & pink

Favorite Book: Fancy Nancy

Favorite Activity: Playing Barbies
Favorite Food: Pizza

Best Friend: Sydney & Flora
Looking forward to most in Second Grade: recess

Friday, August 10, 2012

Olympic Fever

     We definitely have a bit of the Olympic fever at our house.  I wasn't sure how interested the kids would be in the games, but Mikayla has been following right along with all the events.  We started off by watching the opening ceremonies {which was a little slow for the kids}, watch the events each night, and intend on ending it all with the closing ceremony.  Our favorite events are gymnastics, swimming, and diving.  The best part of it all is seeing the kids re-enact the different Olympic sports.  Sometimes it even feels like Olympic Stadium with Mikayla doing her own commentating.  Noah just tries his best to keep up with sister.  They really enjoy pretending their gymanastic superstars, or the next fastest runner.  I just like to sit there and smile as I watch the way they envision it all.  I think we all be sad when it is over.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Worlds of Fun

    You know those daily deal sites?  Um, yea I am signed up for about 12 of them {that may be a conservative estimate}.  What can I say, I love a good deal.  So when a deal came across for a buy one get one free admission to Worlds of Fun {a local amusement park}, I had to snatch it up.  Mike and I went back and forth on whether we wanted to take the kids, and in the end opted for a family day at the amusement park.  From the moment we got there Noah was asking when we were going togo to Planet Snoopy.  We stopped for a carousel ride and then he and I left Mike and Mikayla at a roller coaster.  Noah and I made our way towards Planet Snoopy with minor detours for a train ride and a dog show.  We met back up with Mike and Mikayla at Planet Snoopy {which I was relieved, because I don't think I could have survived anymore spinny kiddie rides}.  I was surprised that there was no wait for any of the kids' rides.  We all had a lot of fun, and the kids were exhausted, but sad to leave.

I got a great tip to take a photo of your kids before you head out for a day trip. 
That way you know exactly how they look and can forward on the photo if anything should happen.

Think he was trying to pose like Mikayla.

They had a great time but don't show it here.  It was 95 and the sun was right in their face.
Noah in the red baron.

He couldn't wait to give Snoopy a hug.

More of the gang.

These rides were really built for kids, but if they were under 42" an adult had to ride.
 Let's just say it was comfy cozy.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Slow Mo...

Just another trick Mikayla has discovered she can do, a handstand kickover {probably not it's technical name, but it is what it is}.

First in...


And now for it in real time.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


     Summer is in full swing here and I am loving it.  We have traded bedtime routines for late evening walks, catching fireflies, and double features at the Theatre in the Park.  The last ten day heat wave was counteracted by afternoons spent at the pool or the movie theater.  We bought passes for the pool this year and it has been really nice to be able to pack up the kids on a whim and go to the pool for a few hours.  The kids have really enjoyed it too.  Mikayla figured out that she is strong enough to go off the diving boards.  I was a little nervous the first time, but she did great.  Now she is perfecting her straddle and tuck jumps, and conquering the mild fear that another girl put in her about going off the high dive {she did it 3 times, but it only took seeing the girl come down 1 time to make her afraid}.  Noah keeps asking if he can go off of them, but we keep assuring him that he needs to get a little stronger at swimming before we will even think about him going on the diving board.  He is also a little sad because he is just shy of being tall enough to go down the water slides.  Maybe by the end of the summer he will be tall enough.  Mikayla is still going to karate and seems to really be enjoying it.  We decided that as much as we would like for Noah to do karate too, he is just not quite ready for it.  With only a five weeks {really!?!} left before the kids {and Mike} go back to school, we will have to see what else we can cram into the summer, maybe a dinosaur exhibit or roller coaster rides?
This is one of my favorite pictures.  This is from a family
gathering in June.  The guy with the beard is a family friend and had Mikayla
and Noah cracking up the whole night.

Did I mention we made a quick trip to Minnesota?
Noah and his cousins swimming.

Maybe a little too much fun with the smoke bombs???
 This was from Fourth of July at my aunt's.

Mikayla's hair from Theatre in the Park {with her go-to pose.}

Two silly kids.
It is so difficult to get a non-silly photo of him.
Now I know where Noah gets the silly faces in photos from.

Mikayla going off the high dive.  Not the best of quality, but at least we have something.
  {please excuse the guy exiting the pool, I did not choose the best of places to stand.}

Monday, July 9, 2012

And Now For Something I Shouldn't Share

     I try to be an optimist.  When something bad happens, I can usually turn it around and say at least it wasn't this.  Or it could have been worse.  I remember as a teenager being told that I was always smiling.  It wasn't like I was trying, it just came natural.  But right now I am in a tough spot trying to see the good in a bad situation.  I debated on whether I wanted to write about this or not, but it is a part of our story and that is what I want the blog to continue to be.  My dad is a very independent, private person.  But he is sick, and for some reason he thinks he is protecting us by not sharing the details.  Thankfully my mom sees the importance of us kids knowing the extent of his condition and continues to divulge information as she gets it.  Currently my dad is being transferred to the University of Miami Hospital {from one in Fort Pierce}.  But I guess I should back up to explain how we got to this point.  A few years ago my dad was told he was pre-diabetic.  And if he lost a little bit of weight, ate right, and quit drinking beer he would most likely not develop diabetes.  For the most part he was making life changes.  But the drinking beer part was really hard for him.  He was not an alcoholic in the since that he would get drink to the point of getting drunk, but it was definitely an addiction for him.  Like any addiction it was hard to kick.  He would do fine for a while, but then would start back by having a few here and there.  This didn't really become an issue until they told him that he had a fatty liver, which eventually progressed into liver disease.  After a few hospital stays the doctors decided that the best and most immediate course of action for him would be to put a stint in his liver to help it function.  So he had that procedure done and we thought he would be okay for a while.  But shortly after he had the stint put in he kept on getting fevers and chills that he just couldn't shake.  In the midst of all of this he was trying to find a new primary doctor {the other one was not with the program}.  Finally he got his new doctor who immediately ran some blood tests and informed my dad that he need to get to the hospital right away.  After two days in the hospital they finally told my dad that he had a staph infection.  He started a course of IV antibiotics twice a day and was told he would need them for the next four weeks.  When he completed the round of IV antibiotics he was put on a pill form.  He seemed to be getting better.  Some of his energy had come back and he was able to get back into a routine again.  But then the fevers came back.  So they went back to the doctor who again instructed him to go to the hospital.  Which brings us to the current date.  The infectious disease doctor {just one of about five who see him regularly} thinks that he cannot shake the staph infection because he contracted it when the stint was put in.  On top of that the pill antibiotic they had put my dad on was affecting his kidneys.  In the hospital they first wanted to take care of the kidneys before worrying about the infection again.  Now his kidneys seem to be functioning, but they want to transfer him to the University of Miami Hospital to take a closer look at the stint and the possibility of removing it {a procedure they can't do at the currrent hospital}.  Needless to say that this all has me worried.  And frustrated.  I wish I could be there for my mom, to at least be more of a support system, but that is not possible right now.  We are hoping that if my dad needs a long term transfer {there is a possibility of a liver transplant} that they will be able to do it somewhere closer to us.  But for now I am a phone call away for my mom, and spend the days waiting to hear what bit of news the doctors now have to tell us. And there you have it, way more info. about my dad's illness than you wanted to know.  But you know what, it is so therapeutic just to write it out {he will just have to deal with it out on the internet}.

Friday, June 8, 2012


     Let's be honest, I have this obsession with making sure that the kids are involved in something.  It started out with Mikayla in swimming,gymnastics and dance.  But now that she is a bit older we are trying out a few different things.  She will continue in gymnastics, for now.  I want her and Noah to find something that they have a passion for {even though I sometimes secretly live vicariously through them}.  This spring we tried out soccer.  She had done a mini-camp in preschool, but this was with a team and games.  In the beginning it was apparent that she was the newbie on the team, but as the season progressed it was less noticeable.  No goals scored this season, but she did play goalie where she stopped a number of goals.  In the fall we plan on signing both Mikayla and Noah up for soccer. 
     But for the summer we are trying out something a little different.  The kids are signed up for karate.  Mikayla has wanted to try it and since it is a ten week session I thought would be a nice trial period to see if it is something either of them really like.  They had their first class on Monday and Mikayla did great.  Noah just kept wondering when they were going to do the karate chops {he was a little bored with all the stretching}. We will try again next week and see how things go.

Floor routine during her spring show.

Balance beam.

Trophy at the end.
First soccer game.  {this is her go to pose for a picture}

Mike thought it would be fun to get a photo of me warming the girls up.