Monday, January 23, 2012

Gotta Watch Out For This One...

     Noah has some health issue in which he gets stomach virus-like symptoms every 6 to 8 weeks.  We have tried to figure it out, but still haven't narrowed it down.  It doesn't seem to be related to anything he eats and it seems to go just as fast as it comes.  We took him to the doctor once and they stated that it migh be acid reflux.  They prescribed some medicine for him, but since I wasn't completely sold on the whole acid reflux thing, I decided to opt out.  I had heard about something called cyclic vomitting syndrome, and it seems similar to that, but without being a doctor we can't say for sure.  So between episodes we wait for every little tummy ache he has, hoping that he will not end up getting sick.  He's a smart one though and has caught onto the fact that he gets extra attention when he is sick.  He also has figured out that we let him watch movies, which he loves, when he is not feeling well.  With this new-found awareness he decided the other day to pretend he was sick.  He said his tummy hurt and that we should call daddy so he could come home to take care of him.  I was a little suspicious, but went ahead and called Mike just to warn him.  After nap time he said it again, so I asked him if he really felt sick or if he was just missing his daddy.  He admitted to just missing his daddy, so we had a little talk about faking being sick, and I gave him the opportunity to talk to daddy on the phone.  Well, the next day he was home with me he was saying the same things.  This time there was no call to daddy and we went about the afternoon as usual.  That night though he was complaining about his forehead hurting.  We were trying to just get him to finish dinner before we reassessed.  Well, he didn't make it through dinner.  I gave him some Ibuprofen and he went upstairs and fell asleep in our 6:30.  Um, yea I would definitely say he was exhausted.  He slept all night, with the exception of coming into our room to tell us he was feeling better, until 7:00 the next morning.  When he woke up he tried the whole sick thing again, but after breakfast he forgot all about it and went off to preschool.  I can already tell we are going to have to keep a close eye on him for when he wants to play hookie.  The boy has it down at 3.

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