Saturday, February 20, 2010

Date Night and A Wrong Turn Leads to Yummy food

     Thanks to my brother and his girlfriend, Mike and I were able to enjoy dinner and a movie sans kids last night.  It has been a while since we have had a "Date Night."  I find it funny though how when its just us conversation always seems to drift back to the little beings back at home.  It's almost as though they are the only things going on in our lives right now...well at least the most important things. :)  Anyway we enjoyed the opportunity for the evening out by dining at Panera prior to going to see "Valentine's Day."  There were a lot of actors in the movie (all good looking), making it a little more difficult to keep up with who ends up with who.  Anyway it was good movie for entertainment and a break from the every day.
     This morning we had swimming again.  Noah did better during his lesson, but getting into the pool was still a bit of a challenge.  Mikayla of course loved it (except for the fact the water is cold) and showed a bit more of her adventurous side by not hanging onto the side of the wall.  After swimming we like to stay in Lawrence to have lunch.  Instead of heading back east to head toward home Mike decided he would continue on Iowa St. to the south part of town where we found a McAlister's Deli.  There used to be one by us but it closed before we ever got to try it.  Their food was good and the prices were just right.  It might just become our new favorite place to eat in Lawrence.
     When we got home this afternoon time was spent with us cleaning and the kids coloring.  Coloring is fast becoming one of Noah's favorite things to do.  They both go through a lot of paper, but they love it.

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