Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kids Can Say and Do the Darndest Things

     So the saying is true that kids say the darndest things.  On Sunday Mikayla did the cutest thing (so I'm a little biased).  One of my friends had called and invited either Mike or I to go to the Monday came of KU vs. Oklahoma.  Mikayla heard the conversation that we had about whether we would be interested in attending the game.  She always likes to go places with us and of course asked if she could come.  A convincing argument that there would be other kids there was put forth.  Just as we were deciding to pass on the ticket, Mikayla went into her room and came back with two partial tickets from an event we took her to awhile ago.  She happily said "look I have two tickets so now I can go with you?"  It was hard to see how disappointed she got when we explained to her that her tickets would not get us into the game. 
     As for something they can do...Since converting Noah's crib to a toddler bed we have been closing his door when he sleeps.  Each morning we hear the banging of the door and his calling out as he is letting us know that he is awake and ready to come out of his room.  One of us will go to his room and greet him at the door.  As of today I am not sure closing his door will be necessary any longer.  After months of trying he has finally managed to figure out how to open his door.   How is it that he can figure it out so young?  We thought that closing his door would at least get us to his second birthday.  It just makes me a little nervous that he can get out of his room himself, but something tells me he will be just like Mikayla and his first stop outside of his room will be our room.

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