Monday, February 6, 2012

My Environmentalist

     We love to take walks.  At a park, or just around the neighborhood, does not matter.  Recently Mikayla has added a little bit to our walks.  I'm not sure if it is something that she learned in church or something she got from me and my disgust on our walks.  You see I like to point out how rude people are when they dispose of their garbage out their car window instead of a trash can.  So I started telling Mikayla that we needed to take care of the earth so that it would remain beautiful for a long time.  Somewhere along the lines that got translated into God wants us to take keep the earth beautiful {enter church here??}.  Now when we go on our walks I am sure to give Mikayla a plastic bag so she can help pick up the trash {I usually the one with the dog and her bag}.  It used to be I would just let her carry as much as her little hands could hold, but I was a little embarrassed when most people's trash is beer cans or cigarrette wrappers.  Really, that mom lets her daughter carry a beer can?  She really does have a heart for how the Earth looks, and we have a goal to spend one day just picking up trash. 

     Before our neighbors moved the mother shared a story of a time in which they took a walk to a park with Mikayla.  Mikayla was picking up trash like she always does, but it was making her lag behind.  Her friend was anxious to get to the park and wanted to make sure Mikayla was safe and keeping up.  Mikayla was explaining that she was picking up trash because God wanted the Earth to look pretty and that we needed to take care of it.  Her friend's comment back was that God also wanted to make sure that Mikayla was safe.  It continued all the way to the park, and the mom couldn't help but watch and be thankful that her daughter had such a caring friend in her life.  We both took a moment and agreed that we must be doing something right to have such caring girls.

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