Monday, February 27, 2012


     We recently enjoyed a trip to the children's museum (aka Wonderscope).  The kids always have such a great time there, but it does seem be holding their attention less and less.  They ventured from room to room (it is set up in an old school building) rather quickly.  I love all the different rooms they have there and how they change them up every so often.  There are always the staple rooms of the ball room, the market, doctor's office, and art room.  Last time we were there there was a music room, but it was replaced by legos and some create-your-own tracks for balls.  The water room was closed our last visit, so this time the kids were sure to make a stop and play.  Noah loved the water, but Mikayla was more interested in the adjoined shadow room.  After the museum we stopped for a quick lunch followed by a little shopping.  All in all it was a very fun, productive day.
Hiding in a closet.

Hard at work.

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You can almost see Noah, and if you look really close you can see me.

The wonders of Legos.

He kept wanting to put all the cats, dogs, bowls, and blankets in one and lock them in.

Future vet???

He was trying to put a band-aid.

Face painting.

She kept saying she was an American Girl doll.

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