Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Time to Give Thanks

     Thanksgiving has long been a tradition surrounded by food.  I mean, these days you ask most people what Thanksgiving is about and their first response {at best} will be family followed quickly by food.  It is true that the first Thanksgiving did involve lots of food, but it was more so the celebration of the food and the impending bond of the Pilgrims and Native Americans.  Both of these groups had so much to be thankful for, hence the name Thanksgiving.  Moving past the little history lesson and onto my reasons to be thankful for this year {in no particular order}:
  1. My family.  I have two amazing kids and a wonderful husband who make me strive to be better every day.
  2. My house.  I am lucky enough to have a place where I can lay my head at night.  I may still complain about its inadequacies, but I have a home.
  3. My Friends.  I have great friends who entrust me to care for their most precious ones.  Without them some of the rest of the things would not be possible.
  4. Food.  Each night I get to choose what I am going to eat and when.  I love that.  I am a fortunate one who knows that each night I will go to bed with a full stomach.
  5. God.  To have something so great to believe in.  When all else fails, He is there.  That is definitely something to be thankful for.
  6. Our country.  It is great to be able to live in a country free from persecution {well almost}.  We are fit with so many great benefits living here, that those sometimes get forgotten with all the recent hardships.
  7. Caffeine.  Not going to lie here.  I am not a coffee drinker, nor alcohol, but pop is my go to. 
  8. Naptime.  A little bit of piece and quiet.  Really just a break in the day and a transition between activities.
  9. Showers.  Their not only a time to get clean, but a time for "just me" time.  I never relished the time before, but now I am forever grateful to have those few moments a day where I am by myself.
  10. This blog.  I am grateful to have finally found an outlet to share my life.  To be able to have a place where I can put all of our memories.  And really a huge thanks to the whole blogging community where I have become inspired in different areas of my life.
So this Thanksgiving I am going to honor the true meaning with all of these things {and more} I am thankful for {and celebrate with some delicious food}. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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